Friday, October 30, 2009

I love my friends!!!!

This is an exact conversation last night through text messages between me and my best friend, Roxanna!!! We can read each other's minds!!! Our husbands hate it.

Roxy: Guess What?

Jenn: What?

Roxy: OMG I bewing attached by frogs

Jenn: WTF are you talking about HAHA

Roxy: there was a frog in the car and he was jumpking all over us....ok he is gone...a popcorn machine

Jenn: you won a popcorn machine?? are you drunk??

Roxy: yes and yes

Jenn: No way! that is awesome! who is driving you home?

Roxy: mom

Jenn: OK she isn't drunk is she? you so crazy!!

Roxy: no she isn't and yeah i guess i am

Jenn: you home

roxy: pass to u tom

What makes this all so crazy is....about a month ago Roxy started looking for a popcorn machine for an upcoming party early next year. She is a great planner so she thought she would start her search early. I asked around for her to see if anyone had one she could borrow. No one had one so she started to panic and didn't want to buy one. THEN at lunch on Wed she mentioned her work party and said they would be giving one away...she mentioned how cool it would be if she won. GUESS WHAT...she WON!!!! YEA, Go Roxy!!!!


  1. That is so not fair to make fun of the inebreated!!! It was freaking hilarious though...wish you would have been there...

  2. OH I would of given just about anything to of seen you and your mom in the car with that frog!!!!

  3. As soon as she mentioned it at lunch, I knew she'd win. It was just too much of a coincidence that she needed a popcorn machine and they were giving one away. Weird!
