Thursday, November 19, 2009


Picking Blayne up on Monday!!

I walk in to Mrs. Jennifer's house

Me: How's everything going?

Mrs. Jennifer: I need to talk to you

Me: Uh Oh, what's wrong? (I was thinking "OH NO what the heck did that boy do now...please please please tell me he didn't pee on your porch")

Mrs. Jennifer: Well, Blayne told me when I picked him up that yesterday he went out in the woods with his friends and walked to Sour Lake and got chased by a bunch of Mexicans with knifes.

Blayne: Well, I did!!!

Me: UUUHHH No you did not!!!

Blayne: Mom, you don't know what I do.

Mrs. Jennifer: yeah, i didn't think he was telling the truth, but it was funny!

Keep in mind that Blayne just turned 6 years old and we live in Lumberton which by google maps is approximately 19.4 miles from Sour Lake....and how the hell does he even know that Sour Lake exists?

Where the heck does he come up with this stuff?!?!?!

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